Friday, June 4, 2010

Parents Give the Best Advice, Don't They?

Earlier this week I had the utmost privilege of being called for jury duty at N.Y.C. criminal court. (This ordeal needs its’ own separate post which I’ll write some time in the next few days.) Seeing as I have never been arrested or charged with a crime, nor do I find it necessary to stalk the cast of Law and Order, this was really my first journey into that section of lower Manhattan.

On the morning of my first day of service (jury duty, I learned, lasts a minimum of 2 incredibly exciting days; like the weekend but without any fun) my Dad attempted to give me directions once I got off the subway. The following is, unfortunately, a direct quote…

“If the big, tall buildings are on your left, walk the other way.”

As I’m sure you can tell, these directions were extraordinarily helpful. Lois and Clark should be ashamed of themselves. Just to give some perspective to those who live on a farm or in the woods somewhere, New York City (or any city for that matter) is generally a place where one can find a myriad of “big, tall buildings”; it’s kind of our thing. Therefore, this statement was about as useful to me as giving BP a q-tip and telling them to fix their mess already.

Luckily for me, my Dad noticed my confused look and suggested I type the address of the courthouse into Google Images so I would recognize the building. This is ultimately what led me to the correct “big, tall building”, so I decided to forgive him for his feeble, earlier attempt at offering me assistance.

If you thought the parental involvement ended there, you’d be sorely mistaken. As I begrudgingly headed out the door, my Mom told me to have fun with the same level of enthusiasm you would have when telling someone that they just won the lottery.

On a (slightly) more serious note, my parents have been really supportive throughout my life, but especially during my job search. While it sometimes seems like they won’t be satisfied unless I hide behind a shrub and stalk Lorne Michaels in Rockefeller Plaza, or have Les Moonves holding on line 1, I know they just want me to be happy and get a job.

Hey, I went to jury duty didn’t I? That’s a start…

1 comment:

  1. Greast story;especially knowing one of the characters!!
